Beneath the Canopy

March 2021
Project Description

Beneath the Canopy reached out to me a couple months prior to this shoot after looking to work together for some time as we have both enjoyed each others work through our socials. We locked in the dates and off I headed to a wonderful farm in Rye East Sussex that featured a stunning barn and surrounding vineyard. This is where I got to meet the extremely talented Oleg & Rita Samsonov, two fantastic wedding photographers who helped plan and create this shoot along with Beneath the Canopy.

As our Models turned up for this shoot I started off with capturing establishing shots around the location to help set the scene for any future videos. Then we progressed into getting a couple drone clips with the Mavic Pro 2 while our models walked around the vinyards near the back of the property as the sun was setting making for some great lighting.

From here on Oleg & Rita directed the couple and their trusty companion throughout the afternoon in the Bell Tent set up with some stunning floristry displays and prop flatlays. Fininishing off the shoot with a amazing spread of food next to the fire that was set up making some cosy atmospheric shots as the sun went behind the horizon.

A truly great afternoon spent with an amazing team of creatives and a wonderful couple and their furry friend Marlow.

Winter Love - Beneath The Canopy
Coming Soon!
This project is still in production. Check back soon!
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