My Little Eye

October 2021
Project Description

Broken down, alone and bored, Alice and her mother play a game of I Spy to pass the time as they wait for a recovery vehicle. The harmless game soon turns into something more alarming as Alice, 4, spots a figure standing in the distance staring back at her.

My Little Eye is the first short film I worked with CreativePilot on and the experience fro start to finish was great. From helping formulate some of the ideas for the actual storyline to Producing a Shot list and Storyboard for the time the process of this film was helpful in making learn more about our craft should we choose to produce more short-films in the future (Which we will!)

I was Camera Operator during production and worked closely with Charlie Richards as D.O.P, one half of Hushpuppy productions. We shared similar ideas on what needed to shot and how we wanted certain scenes to play out framing wise and even to the edit. As a typically solo shooter this was a great chance to collaborate ideas and bounce off one another's creativity.

Working as a small team each one of us helped one another out in each part of the process, so while we all had our individual lead roles we doubled up as Directors, Producers and even Editors. One thing that comes from working as a small team rightly or wrongly is that there are less chances of different ideas getting in the way, which did make the process a lot easier but any varied ideas we did have were taken on board and explored thoroughly throughout the whole production. Making the experience completely enjoyable and I would love to work with the team again.

A great process, a great experience and who knows one day, you may get to see what happens to Alice after all.

My Little Eye Official Trailer
Coming Soon!
This project is still in production. Check back soon!
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