Videography Showreel

January 2023
Project Description

The last three years have brought opportunities for my journey into videography, filmmaking and even photography that I could've only dreamt of a few years ago. I am extremely grateful to all the kind and insanely talented creatives I have had the pleasure of meeting and working with all throughout this process, your drive and your passion keeps me inspired daily.

I am also extremely thankful for the support everyone has shown towards the work I create both here (which is rare I know) and on other platforms such as Instagram and Facebook.Whether you're just passing through and want to give this video a watch or you want to potentially work together this year and had to see my work, I thank you for taking the time to watch this showreel with almost three years worth of footage and roughly 40TB worth of memories in it. It was, as most videographers will know, a difficult process choosing all the clips for this, as each moment I have had the chance to film and tell a story has had an amazing experience behind it.

I've grown attached to so many fond memories of this adventure into the world of videography.I have truly found something that I want to do for the rest of my life, this is my passion and I put everything I have into everything I make. To see the growth in what I've achieved over the years has been unreal, it's thanks to so many of you and the support you give and especially those closest to me.

Without trying to say just a massive thank you too many times, I'll stop here and just say I hope you enjoy the video and of course sharing this around is hugely appreciated!

Adventure Further / Explore More

Videography Showreel
Coming Soon!
This project is still in production. Check back soon!
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